Photo: Toms Grīnbergs, University of Latvia

The new Dental Clinic of the University of Latvia (UL) Faculty of Medicine (FM) and its new study programme were presented on 10 February.

With the help of a generous EUR 1,000,000 contribution by Marija Mārite Ķiploks, the UL FM has developed an international dentistry study programme and a modern clinic.

The presentation discussed the Dentistry Programme of the UL FM and introduced the rooms and equipment of the clinic. When the programme is licenced, the first students will be enrolled in 2014.

Stomatology in Latvia dates back to 1921 when a Dentistry Department was established at the UL Faculty of Medicine. Back then, the Head of the Department was Prof. Kārlis Barons (1865–1944), one of the first Latvian dentists. Kārlis Barons is the father of the well-known Latvian folklorist Krišjānis Barons, also known as the Father of Folk Songs (dainu tēvs), an important figure in Latvian history who collected more than 200,000 Latvian folk songs.

The presentation was attended by Minister of Education and Science Prof. Ina Druviete, Minister of Health Ingrīda Circene, UL Rector Prof. Mārcis Auziņš, Dean of the UL FM Prof. Ingrīda Rumba-Rozenfelde, and Head of the UL FM Dental Clinic and Dentistry Programme Assoc. Prof. Ieva Henkuzena.
