Photo: Toms Grīnbergs, University of Latvia

On May 21, 2019 the University of Latvia (UL) has become a member of the Association of Medical Schools in Europe (AMSE), making UL the first and only representative of Latvia in the organization.

Dean Valdis Folkmanis believes that “involvement in the work of the association will not only develop the network of our international collaboration. It will also serve as an opportunity to share our knowledge and traditions, to reveal our unique story and experience.”  

The AMSE began as the Association of Medical Deans in Europe, in 1979. Today  AMSE creates a forum for European Faculties of Medicine to share experiences in the fields of education, research and management. AMSE seeks to stimulate co-operation between Medical Schools in Europe and to initiate and sustain relations with other professional, governmental and non-governmental organizations in education, research and health care. The organization is primarily concerned with the leadership and management of medical schools, and the question of how to run the medical school, and how to manage its relationship with the university hospital and other health-care partners. AMSE is also interested in the regulatory, quality assurance, political and economic contexts in which the medical school works to fulfill its mission of medical education and medical research.
