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Faculty of Biology, University of Latvia participates in the Horizon Europe (call HORIZON-CL6-2021-ZEROPOLLUTION-01) project “GeneBEcon - capturing the potential of Gene editing for a sustainable BioEconomy” coordinated by the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences.  

In GeneBEcon, we are researching and innovating using New Genomic Techniques (NGTs) to provide farmers and biobased industries with climate-friendly and less polluting agricultural and aquaculture solutions. GeneBEcon aims to support the European Green Deal, the circular economy action plan, and the bioeconomy strategy. We will use our project’s results to inform scientists, policymakers, plant breeders, farmers, industry and consumers.  

Objectives of GeneBEcon:  

  • Develop an improved gene editing toolbox using potato and microalgae as case studies toward developing beneficial traits including virus resistance, enhanced qualities, and production of high-value compounds;  

  • Study associated economic and societal issues and provide transparent information to all stakeholders;  

  • Innovate the regulatory options of NGT products to account for benefits and risks and ensure a regulatory framework that is fit for purpose;  

  • Engage stakeholders to increase awareness and to contribute to scientific evidence and NGTs innovations 

Faculty of Biology, University of Latvia team under the guidance of professor Nils Rostoks participates in the WP1 related to governance options for the use of New Genomic Techniques (NGTs) in the European Union.  

Project website

Technical report “Regulatory Options for New Genomic Techniques in the European Union”
